Sunday, May 31, 2009

I want to be a ......... when i grow up

Do you know what i want to be when i grow up?look at thoose pictures
these is what want to be.Have you ever think of what is the life as a policeman.You would never not think that police man no need to study.You have to know how to hold a gun,statics
of catching thief and ah...................
oh i know your aiming.
tips:go to arcade and play shooting
games.bye bye

Saturday, May 30, 2009


cool pictures right
you can find it in google

Friday, May 29, 2009

cool pictures

If you want to find cool naruto pictures go to this link

Sunday, December 14, 2008

how to write your own story

hello friends do you know how to write your own story?If not I will teach you.first you think of what kind of story you want like a fairytale,a comic and more.Most people think that we must think about the title, because the title will tell what the story is about and having a title is important. This is only the basic the rest you must get your brain working. bye.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

exam is over

exam!exam!Is over!I have done science,maths,chinese and English.I can relax.Play my games and psp.Are you happy that you can finaly relax.So how good did you do for your exam.If It is a no do not Tell me your marks in commements.If you score good marks you will go to a good class like
,1c,1b,1a and primary3,4,5,6 untill you grow up.You will also get a good job.oh sorry I need to go to sleep good night or morning

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

my trip to hong kong

owwww.Iam so tired.cant we go at nine mother said if you want to miss the airplane.okok.I went to brush my teeth and wash my mother said "chopchop''lets get changing boy.Then all of us has changed and ready to go to the airport.when I was in the airport I flet very cold.When its our turn to go in the plane we are all confuse with all the sits numbers.The end we found our sits."zoom".we are ready to take off.When we reached hong kong we were full with amaze.2 days past we returned to our home.The end

my trip to the toy museum

yeeeeeeepeeeeeeee!I am going to the toy museum!oh,hi people I almost forgot you.Today I am going to tell you about my trip to the toy museum and I am packing now.aaaaaaaa?what else to bring.I brought my bottle,jacket and food."ah ha"I got it my small I am ready to go.